by Johanna Basford
Enchanted Forest Colouring Book
♥ 魔法森林填色繪本 英國既原裝版 ♥
Enchanted Forest is a new opportunity for you to delve into my inky wonderlands
and discover a magical woodland world. Travel through the forest and find the 9 hidden symbols along the way.
At the end of the book you must use your 9 found symbols to unlock the castle door and reveal the secret hidden within.
There are leafy motifs to colour and embellish and lots of curious creatures
to be found hiding amongst the branches. Like Secret Garden,
there is a list of things to be found throughout the book
as well as lots of intricate illustrations to test your colouring skills !
Korean Beauty Secret (韓美集),開業12年~ 1000尺尖沙咀門市~
"I Don't write for product, i write for you , you and you !"
Our Story : Beauty is Power,美麗是一種力量~
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